Singing Guide: Michael Ray

Singing Guide: Michael Ray

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing like Michael Ray - Discover His Unique Vocal Technique and Sing His Hit Songs

Michael Ray is a popular country music singer with an impressive vocal range and a unique style that sets him apart from other artists in the genre. If you're interested in learning how to sing like Michael Ray, there are a few key elements to his vocal technique that you should focus on. In this article, we'll explore those elements and give you some tips on how to incorporate them into your own singing.

1. Vocal Range

One of the most impressive aspects of Michael Ray's singing is his vocal range. He is capable of hitting both high and low notes with ease, and he uses this versatility to great effect in his music. To start singing like Michael Ray, you'll need to identify your own vocal range by taking Singing Carrots' vocal range test. This will help you figure out which keys you should be singing in to best replicate his sound.

2. Breath Support

Another important aspect of Michael Ray's vocal technique is his breath support. He uses diaphragmatic breathing to control his airflow while singing, which allows him to sustain notes for long periods of time and add dynamic range to his performances. You can learn more about breath support and how to incorporate it into your own singing with Singing Carrots' Breath Support blog post and Sustain Vocal video.

3. Vocal Control

Michael Ray has incredible vocal control, which allows him to hit notes with precision and infuse his performances with emotion. To develop your own vocal control, you can practice exercises like Singing Carrots' Mixed Voice and Voice Break videos, which can help you improve your register transitions and hit notes accurately.

4. Articulation

Finally, Michael Ray is known for his crisp, clear articulation, which helps him convey emotions in his songs and connect with his listeners. To work on your own articulation, check out Singing Carrots' Articulation blog post and Finger Bite video, which can help you improve your diction and pronunciation.

Songs to Sing like Michael Ray

If you want to showcase your newfound Michael Ray-inspired vocal technique, there are plenty of songs to choose from. Some of his biggest hits include "Kiss You in the Morning," "Real Men Love Jesus," and "Think a Little Less." You can find sheet music, lyrics, and audio resources for these songs and many more with Singing Carrots' song search and song-book tools.


Michael Ray is a talented singer with a unique vocal style that can teach us a lot about singing. By focusing on your vocal range, breath support, vocal control, and articulation, you can start to incorporate some of his techniques into your own singing. With Singing Carrots' tools and resources, you have everything you need to start singing like Michael Ray and taking your own performances to the next level.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.